3days ago, My Entrecard advertisement cost went up to 333ec points. Everything was so perfect. Wait day was at 3days, and advertising cost was at 333ec. I'm beginning to love the number 3 more than the number 4 now.

But something even better came up. By sheer luck and the new system by Entrecard, I'm now among the most expensive EC user.
Among 7000+ members in Entrecard, I am now one of the most expensive EC user to be advertised upon at 262,144EC points. My unique experience is being shared by 5 other EC users.
To advertise on my site, you need to drop fanatically 300drops everyday for 874days so that you have enough credits to advertise here in my blog. That is also equivalent to 2.4years worth of dropping cards. Wow!
Btw, I'm sure this is only gonna last for a day. So I thought, why not blog about it before it dies off?
If someone were to ask my thoughts on Entrecard, I'd say I prefer the old pricing system. Now that the new pricing system has been implemented, why not wait for a few more days and see how it goes from there onwards.
PS: Some may agree that my EC icon looks inferior compared to all the other big players in EntreCard. But I'm pretty proud that this inferior-looking icon managed to climb up the ranks within Entrecard. This is a prove that even bad brand names can climb up to be one of the most prestigious names in the world. [What do you think? Am I talking rubbish here?]
1) EC = EntreCard
2) A new pricing system has been implemented in Entrecard. [More info here]
3) Entrecard drove up this blog's Alexa rank by alot. [Graph Attached below] Before I joined Entrecard, there wasn't even a blue line in that graph. Now I see an artistic wavy line happening.

this entrecard is?? like some websites that bring visitors to u??
WOW!! Congrats, I think?? =)
yor... ur points so high i not enuff to advertise oso lar...LOL
waaaah... i wonder which blog can afford to advertise at your blog, kekeke
Hey! Congrats!
I found that when I really hit the dropping hard and my advertising $ went up my advertisers went down...for me staying a little more in the middle seemed to work better.
Is your advertising decreasing now?
Ini macam I also wanan test see got use or not... =p
Yo buddy,
Posted your idea on moving the classic blogspot layout to cover the empty space cause by the hidden navi bar.
You've been featured twice in Bloggerfocus.com in the past 1 week! Anyways,I'll add your blog to my blog link. If you think you want reciprocate by adding mine on this awesome site, I bid you thanks in advance.
Cheers and happy blogging.
P.s : Congrats on being one of the most expensive site on Entrecard.
What the? mine was almost 400 a few days ago and I only dropped like 150 cards a night! hahaha!
3point8 so kaya d leh.. haha...
THousands something man! Haha...
I will never get the chance to promote my site in your entrecard. Lol... ;D
BTw, congratulation!
Very nice. I'm surprised that your blog is so popular, but your entrecard does have a certain appeal.
NathanKP - Inkweaver Review - Book Reviews and Cover Art
New System is bad. -_-
I prefer the old system, or a Project Wonderful highest bidder gets the Ad Box type system instead.
Your advertising rate is CRAZY today!! yesterday was around a hundred odd then now today its. 131072 ec/da. Like whoaaaaaaaa
Well done man glad to see your site getting more traffic hehe
I don't quite like EntreCard anymore~~
Haven't myself delved into the entire new system of Entrecard or what the updates have done.. got some reading catching up to do.. but wow.. I hit 16,000 on my blog for advertising the other morning..was like..whoaaa tonto!
I still can't believe your price is soo high!! and now it's gone high!! my gosh!!! haha come back down so i can buy you :P
Entrecard = overrated.. BOOO! Saya jeles, tak boleh kah?!
p.s. I can draw all the squiggly, artistic, wavy lines i want. Hmmph!
Yup yup. Its a system that encourage participants to bloghop
Er... I'm not sure if this is a good thing either. High advertising cost = No potential advertiser
I dun think anyone can afford that kind of price. I can't even afford to place an ad on my own site.
None I would guess
Ya. With the new system, I think having no advertising cost is the best as everyone will be checking the cheapest site to advertise upon.
Btw, my advertising is decreasing now.
If you have the time, do check it out
Thanks for the linkback sksee! I've also lined to your site.
Wow! I guess that is because you have a high quality content in your blog. I know of people in EC who value blogs with high quality content.
Haha. Ironic thing is that, I can't afford to advertise on my own site too
Thanks for the compliment Nathan.
[Deimos Tel'Arin]
Yup. I prefer the old system. I should really explore into ProjectWonderful. I heard lots of positive comment about it
Woah! YOur advertising cost quite high also!
Its slowly coming back down now. you can place and advertisment on my widget in a few more days.
Me too. I don't like the recent change. But let's see how things go from here onwards.
Woah! Congrats.
Yea, I got me some reading to catch up too.
Boleh, boleh jeles! Man, I love it when someone is jeles. XD
been recommended to use this entrecard much earlier but lazy to do it lah ... after reading yr good report, may push myself one notch higher
[johnny ong]
Do check it out when u hv the time.. I highly recommend Entrecard
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