A comment or two will be greeted with warm hands.

14 June 2008

Fame through blogging

Warning: Jealousy may arise if you choose to venture further into this post. Either that, you'll feel superior knowing that you have a better blog.

What constitutes a famous blogger?
1) Some say its the unique visits per day
2) Some say its the comment per post
3) Some say its the rank by sites that regulates blogs popularity (Alexa, Technorati, Google Page Rank)

Most bloggers would come to realize that its the combination of all the above. Compared to the many better blogs out there, I may lose out on unique visits but my blog is strong in terms of quality comments I receive from people from all walks of life.

Other than the 3 factor mentioned above, there is fourth factor most people overlook while judging whether a blogger is worthy enough to be categorised as "famous blogger".
4) A mention by other bloggers.

You know you have made it when someone willingly dedicate a whole post for you. A famous blogger is bound to be mentioned by other bloggers. (eg: KennySia, JohnChow, Frank Warren, and the famous number guy)

I feel that I have long way to go before I can call myself a famous blogger. After all, my blog is not as great, or as popular as others, but personally I feel good when a someone mention about me or 3POINT8. Even better if they are dedicating a whole blog post for me. I feel great whenever someone says that I am the inspiration behind their blog post. Being placed in that kind of situation, I'm sure most bloggers would feel the same way as me.

The following list are a compilation of my proud moments.

All about 3POINT8:

Post inspired by 3POINT8:

Partially inspired by 3POINT8

Tags about 3POINT8
Erm.... I lost track of this.

[If i can keep up with this list, I know I haven't made it to the top yet.]

These bloggers combined have inspired me to write up this post.
What about you? Have you inspired someone to write something lately?

[Top Comment by Ron Jerem Lee]
i think still the best benchmark is .... how much u earn a month.....


Nux V said...

wow! tht is a long list! u r on ur way to be famous soon ;-)

Elara said...

Awesome! Thanks for linking back! I enjoyed "interviewing" you! :) Adding you to my blogroll. ;)

Anonymous said...

if you have so many people who have you in their posts or perhaps inspired by you, wel, even if you arent at the top, you are somewhere high up.And yes as you said, i am a BIT JEALOUS:)
Anyways i have tagged you.Have a look at my blog.

Xopa; said...

Say, what does 3Point8 mean?

Haha, judging from your post i'm a superrrr not famous blogger. but it's still fun to blog (:

and to reply your comment: the carrot really does look like a (insert bad cough here). never realised it till now haha

Chee Hoe said...

I only started blogging for a while and I've heard of 3Point8. You may be more famous then you think! =))

Blue Panther said...

Congrats on your blogging achievements...and best wishes for achieving much more in the future!

joshuaongys said...

hahahahaha ya ya u'll be famous soon!! and i'm gonna have a famous blogger friend roflmao!! hahaha

way to go kif.. =)

take care ya in overseas..

Katherine said...

Woah! You really keep track of your stats! :)

Falcon said...

i classified you as famous a long time ago...hehe..

miss critical said...

you will continue to be more famous with the rate your going.. plus the content in your blog is interesting ... hope to see more

Jez said...

i like reading ur post, famous or not. :)

Pam Song said...

Che wah. Now bloggers also branded di. Haha. Way to go, 3POINT8!

-popjammerz- said...

"Warning:jealousy may arise..."
"famous number guy"
hahaha!Yr posts alwiz made me laugh la...

I do really agree with ur blog having quality comments. It made me doesn't just like reading the posts, but also the comments~ :)

Keep it up!

Good blogs alwiz hv readers returning even if you don't know the author.

That is why I always return to yours. :) Good posts! :)

Mrs Chong said...

aiseh..never inspire anyone also. T.T

and the only times I was mentioned was when I asked 5xmom a question or when i blog about pamsong. Like that tak kira la... =(

choco said...

Hahaha, Why your warning so funny. :)

Eh, don't become like those people I wrote about before ok. I didn't write it because I'm in awe of them lolol. I'm sure you can be 'famous' in your own way. You're already 2/3 of your way there. :)

Marc said...

It is so true! Hope to be like you some day.

Simon Seow said...

Well, I kinda being mentioned once in while by other bloggers because we went to the same event, then there's bloggers that tagged me, and SlowCatchUpKuan will do a post that was influenced by my post sometime. I'm still a noob in blogosphere.

Ron Jerem Lee said...

i think still the best benchmark is .... how much u earn a month.....

© sixthbane said...

You never cease to amaze me! But hey, though you aren't famous Famous, you are still quite a popular blogger in the blogosphere! :)

Anonymous said...

ishh.. jealouslar...

Anonymous said...

ishh.. jealouslar...

Balqiz said...

my question: how do you pronounce 3POINT8? literally three point eight? or third pointer? (don't know where did I get that from)

Anonymous said...

famous?...you loser, not untill u get all these anons sour comments...ewww

Wanderer said...

wah... so long list ah?!
congratz then..

Michelle Chin said...

I'm super inspired by my emo-ness.


Not exactly.. Haha. Anyway, I heard that you're in Australia. Whereabouts in Australia?

I'm in Melbourne right now.

C said...

"Nice blog you got. Subscribed!" This was the first message I shouted at you at the shoutbox when I first visited your blog, if you still remember.

The main reason I thought (and still think) your blog very nice and decided to subscribe to it was you have so many comments for most of the posts, even the number of unique visit was not that high. For me, it indicates that your posts (and you the blogger) are very interesting.

Malaysia Students blog has slightly more uniques daily but far less comments than your blog. I'm really jealous now.... Arggghhh, I should not ignore your warning....

Anonymous said...

When I first landed on your blog. You give me the feel of being unique as in the way you deliver your ideas. Famous or not this is a very subjective matter but what is the point of being famous if you lose all your uniqueness and becoming so "commercial"?

Anyway, I like your blog so much. Many times you show me ways to speak the truth...

Keep it up! =)

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

while i'm not into the whole popular blogger thingie as much as i use to :) But i think you are getting there.. your unique visits should be through the roof especially with entrecard :)

And you have interesting reads which i enjoy ever so often :)

Spife said...

Wow, it's amazing you keep track of those things. It's a good accomplishment already, and everybody almost always thinks they can do better. Hehe.

amei79 said...

wow, long list, i never have one i think...

so as u say u r still far away from being the famous blogger, then how bout me? err, okie...i'll work harder & smarter to bcum a blogger like 3.8 1st...:)

Keep the gd job up! cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

somehow, a review post by others can be paid review... so if use this as a measurement is not the best one!Anyway, congrats u got so many of them supporting you without you paying them*i think so lah!! Haha

Sharon Q. said...

Discarding unique counts or ranking, your brand name (3point8) in the blogosphere has emerge quite successfully.

Looking at the comments box of top bloggers' blog comparing yours, hooking this much of comments is by far an exceedingly method to prove your blog's worth!

It is way more difficult! And, u've succeeded!!!

Anonymous said...

Easily I agree but I about the collection should prepare more info then it has.

Joseph Wan said...

I enjoy reading your blog. Your write ups are mind stimulating and personally,not only do i find your topics engaging. I don't considering your articles as write ups, but rather, an expression. I feel the emotions in your articles. YOU ARE A DAMN GOOD BLOGGER! No one can deny that....
I would rate the quality of your blog as 10/10.Seriously.
Somehow, you remind me of a rock band which I wanted to dedicate a post to. They are one of the most influential rock bands back in the 90s where their lyrics conveys a mind stimulating, thought provoking, emotionally driven messages on socioeconomic and political injustice,racism, anti war... but too bad, they aren't doing that well commercially. No thanks to the masses that don't appreciate good lyrics. They don't listen..they just hear. The group that i am referring to is "Rage Against the Machine."
Perhaps, i will write about them one of these days.
I pour my heart out in my blog, my feelings,ranging from happy moments to moments of angst. I have been blogging for nearly 2 years, and i still got a long way before reaching RM100!! Now, that's bad!!