Wait, let me rephrase my words. I got the keyword 'flamed' (powered by freecap), and I have type em in to post up my post in Innit.

Quick update:
I'm currently adapting to a new environment. I've read the comments you all left me. Thanks! I'll reply those comments as soon as I have the time. (As a bonus, I'll try my best to leave a comment in your blogpost over the next few days)
LOL! zha dou! >< thought you really tio flamed by someone.
aiseh.... i tot like there's anthr upcoming drama...
waaa... lol got burnt :P
wish u luck in adapting to new environment :D
ceh i tot u kena flamed...
Aiyo!I was expecting gossip!
Get flamed for our entertainment!!!lol
apa la lu..
This tell me that you should never trust the title you see in Innit. At least not all of them.
Aiyoh, got me there!
simon's comment very funny!
hope nxt time the keyword suddenly comes out 3point8 la!:P
Haha...you really got me there! Got your comment in my blog post. Yes, I'm excited to share my thoughts with all. :) Hope you enjoy reading them as much I as have enjoyed writing down. Nothing feels more satisfying than being able to find the right words to describe the exact feelings. :) Cheers...
Gosh previous comment full of errors. Think I was typing too fast. Here's the real thing...Haha...you really got me there! Got your comment in my blog post. Yes, I'm excited to share my thoughts with all. :) Hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Nothing feels more satisfying than being able to find the right words to describe the exact feelings. :) Cheers...
Chey, misleading title, but u did it. U caught my attention. Haha.
wth =.=
ai yo yo
anyway, you got me!
have a nice day
I thought you are heavily criticized by Nuffnangers at Innit...
Aiya. =.=|||
*knock my head against the wall*
Swt.. Lame.. And i was still thinking
I'm the one being flamed for real!Wahahaha!
how come the box not in the center wan?
HOR!!!! :P hahaha anyway i think i find out your point liao.
stop posting misleading title yayy!
vote kif for president! XD
flame = baptism of fire
it is a good thing
Awww...certainly you can trust my title! All my title in innit is somewhat related to the post itself.
Ahaha. I also hope that will happen in the future.
I always enjoy a good write in blogs. So, keep up the good work and I'll be sure to comment more often. Btw, thanks for the long comment! I'm appreciate it alot.
Dun die curryegg! I'm still your no.1 fan!
Ouch! Cheer up, I'm sure the flaming won't last long.
I did shift everything to the left so that I can compress everything into a smaller pic. But i did not do anything to the Freecap Word verification
Amen, sifu!
Thanks for amusing me with all your comments! Haha, I enjoy tricking you guys.
So the next time you see a president campaign going around, do vote me for president. Or at least give me a vote to be a politician!
haha... thanks... but still...
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