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16 October 2006


As defined in wikipedia.org, a thesis is an intellectual proposition. A dissertation, a document that presents the author's research findings and is submitted in support of candidature for degree or professional qualification.

The time has come to a stage when I am required to decide what to do for my thesis subject in order to graduate from UNSW.
There is this long list of thesis topic that is available to students. I have to choose 5 prefered topic from that list before this friday. Out of so many topics, I found out that i'm more inclined towards topic which involves either programming, electronic, or management.

For the next couple of days, I have to visit those 'supervisor' who came out with those thesis topic in order to get a rough idea on what to expect.

While deciding on my preference of thesis topic, it got me thinking: Mechatronics, a field so vast with endless persuit of knowledge....What would be my career path be?? What would I end up doing in the future??

Perhaps, someday I'll get to build my own big bad giant robot that has the potential to dominate the whole world...