Let me introduce my friend here, KokFye's 6680. This phone has been my best buddy ever since I came to australia. It has been with me everyday since. When I'm down, the call function is my favourite button. And when I'm frustrated and angry, the reject button is my favorite button. When I'm in a dark situation, the power button is my favorite. When my fingers are itchy, I can count on my numeric keypad to soothe my misery. When I feel like dying, I'll just put the phone next to my brain while I dose off to dream about my favorite Princess. And when I'm feeling horny, the camera lens is ermm....my best friend?? (Which reminds me, I should really clean my camera lens now)
So, then my good friends, won't you tell me more about your phones?
I'll tag:
Foon Ling [Strawberry-Journey]
Nux V [Utopia Staging]
Princess Eileen [Chamber of Meomories]
Kev [Kev-walkabout]
The king of sepam and queen of spams just spammed my cbox! [I have no idea why one is using 'sepam' while the other is using 'spams'. 1 thing for sure, I cannot let them go that easily. So, I have to tag the both of you all also!
Mr.X [xniquetx]
Cool man!! 6680 is awesome!!! hey you're living in Australia now???
hey, why u cabut so fast aft tagging me? lol.
anyway, thx for the tag...will do it soon (i mean as soon when i m free) ;-)
haha, nice revenge on X ya? he deserved it...(i still can forgive him for killing the genies)!
correction* typo
'can forgive' replaced by 'CAN'T forgive' :P
haha why you put my tag ngeing??? Spell wrong anyway... Dream about your favourite Princess??? Wukakaka how many you have? Demand for explanation :P
Oh my, I am in a chaos with my handphone now. I been changing 3 since I dropped mine on Thursday night... I think I need to get a new one. I will do your tag when I got mine settle. Sad
thx for the tag..sudah siap blek :P
Yesh! I'm in sydney, australia!!WooHoo, island of convicts!
[Nux V]
Why, cabut so fast? Its a game of tag. Am I not suppose to run away after tagging you?? Yea, revenge on mr.X......satisfying....yum!!!
[Princess Eileen]
Sorry sorry, hime-sama....I've changed it already! I'll make sure I won't do the same mistake again... I won't want a bounty on my head...eheh
Princess?? Only the great Princess Eileen is in my head!! I swear, I'm not thinking of any other princesses (no that i have a choice either, i only know one princess)
OOOooo...thats fast!
OMG, that means you been dreaming about me?!?!?!?
Put ur phone next to ur brain while u doze off! U trying to fry your brain is it? Haha..
Oh man.. stop the flirting Kif and Elieen! Do it at some corner pls and not out in the open! haha... ok ok.. I'll pretend not to see anything...
[Princess Eileen]
I could be dreaming about you!!!
Shy shy~~~
[Kev walkabout]
Exactly! When I feel like dying, Ill just put my phone next to my brain!
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