----Beginning of Story----
Dog Story
Who said only human know what is love
Yes, animals are more deluded because of their capacity of their physical body, but occasionally some of them might be able show us the love that we have forgotten on our 'busy road'. Just like this story. This is real touching!
A dog was knocked down by a car and died on the middle of the road. Later, another dog is seen beside the corpse of the dog, he tried to wake his friend up using his leg.
When his attempts to wake his friend failed, he tried to push his friend to the side of the road. But the weight of his friend was proven too heavy for him.
Though the traffic is busy and dangerous, he just will not go away from his friend. Just stand beside his friend howling and crying.

A lot of people saw this incident and feel very touched. How even a dog can show his loyalty and love to his friend.
----End of Story----
I have a habit of believing everything in the net is a hoax until proven true. This time, I don't really care if this is a true story or an internet hoax cause it did made me think about 'LOVE'. Dang, why can't this mail come after I've completed my thesis report. Now I'm gonna spend the whole night thinking about this and that.
Your story made me cry~~ :(
I have a pet dog at home.
kesian nya ....no mood liao
Yeah, quite touching....
All living things have feelings....
Now, don't go stepping on those ants and bug, you hear.... =p
dog have feelings..not only towards their 'peers' but also to their masters.
such a pity story...
This story is so sad.. the picture even made me shade tears.. SOB!
some one should help the dog out...carry it to a site... dangerous la at middle of the road
I got this email too! Sometimes I wonder why ppl say this --> Humans are not even better than animals... *Pondering*
I got the e-mail too n ... acutally I'd just read it prior to visitng your page. hehe
Doggy are know for doing this! Very sad pic! Have a nice day!
Really? It made you cry? WoW. Then I should post more similar post
No mood?? Eh, this is suppose to be a loving post, not a dying one. You are 1 weird guy!
I don't. I create machines to do it for me. Hey, I can't help it if my gundam robot wants to sprzy shelltox at innocent spiders when it sees one
[Nux ]
Really? To their masters as well? I should really go get a dog! hehe
WoW, another person who shed tears! This is really some powerful post!
Yaya! I was thinking of that too!
[Princess Eileen]
Humans are not even better than animals? What is that suppose to mean??
Ahaha....this is a sign! Its a call of destiny!!
[hor ny ang moh]
Dogs are known for this?? Really? Then I should really get 2 dogs, put one on a 160km/hr highway and see how the other dog reacts..hehe... js joking!
this is a very touching piece
This is really touching... I would have gone over to carry the dead dog and bury it etc, rather than standing there to take pic... and its poor friend - wanting to help but can't.. yet we can but didn't do anything...
This is really touching... I would have gone over to carry the dead dog and bury it etc, rather than standing there to take pic... and its poor friend - wanting to help but can't.. yet we can but didn't do anything...
Oh my gosh. That was such a touching sight. Dogs are even more compassionate than man.
Feel very sad for the dogs. Sob sob...My heart ache for them both...
yes. it is! I can almost feel the emotions from the dog
[kev's walkabout]
its poor friend wanting to help but can't, yet we can but didn't do anything. WoW, sounds deep. Well, i'm sure someone did something eventually.
[the artist]
yes...its pretty sad indeed. But hey, at least it did bring about some profound emotions to those who read it! I guess its to remind us to be more compassionate to those around us
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