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05 April 2007

Human Body Exhibition

A bunch of us went to the Human Body Exhibition recently.
(Lissya, Kim, Priscilla, Anita, Yoga and myself)

The AMAZING HUMAN BODY EXHIBITION features more than 18 aesthetically posed whole body specimens, including transparent vertical and horizontal body slices, together with more than 400 anatomical specimens.Comparison of healthy and diseased organs will graphically highlight the relationship between health and disease–illustrating the importance of a healthy lifestyle!

In lay man terms, different dead human bodies part were sliced, opened, and saperated then preserved and showcased to the public.
It was really an eye-opener to a normal person like me who have never seen a real life body parts. They have everything there. The skeletal structure, the muscle, the brain, the liver, the lungs, reproduction system, the blood vessal system, and even the nerves!
Its amazing how they even managed to preserved the nerves in the body. There was this partially cut open spine where the public can clearly see how the nerves run inside the spine.
Looking at the body parts reminds me of my biology class back in secondary school. Anyone remember chapter3 of form4? Yeah, now I know how everything fits together. If I was able to visualise the human body from mere textbook pictures, my grades in bio would skyrocket! Hohoho I'll then be a 'master anatomy', just like Hannible.

22years...22years living inside a real human body and I never knew how my insides look like until last week when I went for the exhibition. I was surreal looking at real body parts.

One interesting note:
Out of so many parts of the human body being showcased in the exhibition, the lungs is perhaps the easiest to be tainted. Man, I'm never gonna take up smoking!!!