I'm gonna blog about this rose even if she is not referring to this one. Ahaha...I've been wanting to blog about this for a long time, but i didn't cause I'm waiting for someone to ask about it! [What to do?? I'm a egoistic person!] :P
Short Version:
"A valentine rose for a girl. Shipped all the way to Russia from Malaysia, to Yuin Yin, 2006"
[If you are thinking: "Awww...that's sweet! I wish someone sends a rose to me!" Then read no further! The long version is gonna ruin your imagination!]
Long Version:
Cutting stickers is my hobby! Usually I cut sticker and give it out to my close friends or relatives. I believe in handmade presents! If I'm giving out a sticker, it means that I am willing make the effort to spend a whole day (or more) designing a unique sticker design and cut it out for them! I regard them as the best gift I can come out with to anyone from the bottom of my heart. And I take pride in my stickers because of the amount of time and effort I spent in every single one of them. One more thing, I do not cut the same sticker design twice! I want to make my creation as unique as possible. 'One of a kind' is the way to go!
This 'Valentine Rose' is my 1st rose sticker! [To date, I have only cut 2 rose stickers!]
Early January 2006, I was sitting alone in my room wanting to talk to a friend. But as I skim through my phonbook, I realised that I couldn't call anyone! But I really want to talk to someone, coz I was feeling kinda lonely back then. Then I began to wonder: "It would be nic if someone would just call me to check how am I doing!" As I thought more about it, I began to dwell deeper. "Wouldn't it be nice if someone can send a postcard to me for no reason...Or it could be something else, anything....just as long as someone gives me the feeling that I'm somebody in their life!"
And of course, I felt more miserable, feeling as if something is missing in me. Suddenly something caught my attention and my perception began to shift. I thought: "If no one is going to call me or send something to me....Why not I send something to them. So that at least they are not going to feel as shitty as I am feeling right now".
I looked at the calender and 14th of Feb caught my eye. Automatically, I am already thinking of a person. [Its like that kind of feeling when you listen to your all time favorite love song and a person comes into mind...Only 1 person!]
The next thing I knew, I was spending the whole of January looking, searching for an image of a rose suitable to be a sticker! And I did found one, the 'Valentine Rose'. At the same time, I had to find out the exact address where YuinYin in residing. So, I had to 'kguai kguai shii shii" contact her housemate, Melissa to get her address. Until today I still can't believe that I actually asked a favour from a total stranger to reveal her address so that I could get to her housemate! Back then, I never had have contact with Melissa before. All I know is that Melissa is Yuin Yin's housemate. So, mailing Melissa back then was kinda awkward.
Early feb, I had the image printed out and I was cutting the sticker already. By the time I was done with it, I was very eager to mail it out to Russia. I had my mom to mail out the sticker the next day! I still remembered the expression on my mom's face when I said that I wanted to mail something out to Russia. She knew that I'm planning to send this 'Valentine Rose' and I guess she didn't want to ask anything much about it. [I guess she must be thinking: "Young kids nowdays!]
Anyway, I had the sticker sent out from malaysia a 4~5days before valentine's day. I thought it's gonna arrive there at the right moment. But I was very wrong. YuinYin commented that she received it 2 weeks after Valentine's Day.... [Sigh...What was I thinking??]
For some reason, I hardly contact her anymore ever since...
You know how some people love to say: "There are alot of other fishes out there..."
I have a lot of such people as my friend. Even until now, I don't know whether to listen to them or not. [For those who always wondered why I still don't have a gf... I don't know what to say...]
There are times when I wonder, 'Maybe true love exist. Only idiots like believe in them.'
Anyway, I was kinda disappointed to hear that she have a bf already....
Oh well, life goes on...
[Oh for those who are curious about the 2 sticker roses, the 1st one was for YuinYin and the 2nd one is a gift for mother's day!] [Will I be cutting the 3rd one? Guess not....]
haha... it seems like I always ask questions that kinda make ppl think/recall. Oh my... dunno this is observant or just I am kinda curious about little things that people will ignore.
I wonder if this memory actually brings you a bit of sour feeling or makes u smile of some lil' things you did previously.
Haha.. trust me.. there will be at least a 3rd rose :)
such a long story for a simple question..wuahahaha
[Princess Eileen]
Ya... I love that question of yours! It did bring back some sweet memories.. Must learn from you someday on how to be more observant!!
[Nux V]
Yaya! Coz the rose means a lot to me. :)
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