A comment or two will be greeted with warm hands.

10 June 2007

Presentation (con't)

Alrite...Continuing from the previous post.
[I know this post is suppose to be posted up a few days ago, but I got carried away from my other assignments and work]

Anyway, I present point no.2....that other thing that made me happy the other day:
I had a group presentation the other day. After the main presentation was over with, comes the Q&A session. Well, there ware a couple of questions from the floor. The presentation was suppose to END after the Q&A time. We are suppose to say 'Thank you guys!!' bow, wait for someone to applause and then leave the stage. But not for our group. Know what we did??
We said: "Since this is the last class, we would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Tomonari, our jap lecturer...Edward & Daniel, the tutors and everyone else who made this 'Robot Design' course into an interesting 1!!"
The interesting thing about this part is that this appreciation speech was planned minutes just before the whole class started. Yea, this appreciation thing was done in the eleventh hour.
After the appreciation speech, we waited for the appluase (hey, shouldn''t we all take pride in what we do) and left the stage. While walking back to my seat, I walked pass the jap lecturer, Tomonari was sitting in the front row marking our performance.
I was suprised when he turned to me and said in a soft voice: "I lost my voice" *while pointing at his throat*. I wasn't on planning to start a conversation before he made that remark. Heck, I wasn't even looking at him. So, I was really suprised that he randomly mentioned something which doesn't even concern me..... I was pretty sure that he was saying that to me... So, I acted dumb and was thinking 'whoa, that was random'....

I told this peculiar action of my lecturer to 1 of my other groupmate a few hours later. Guess what he commented?? He said that Tomo (our jap lecturer) was probably touched by our appreaciation speech and wanted to express his happiness which he couldn't because he had a sore throat. Come to think about it, I did remember his facial expression has a 'thankful' look.
For a moment, I felt happy realising that I made someone happy for the day. (Well, we may have misinterpret his actions, but hey...just having that thought is enough to make me go happy for a day.) Gee, I guess this is what is meant by 'You can be happy by making others feel great about something!'
Until now, I would still like to think that he was feeling something like this:
Well, maybe I should change the words to: 'I think what I need more than anything else in the world is to be told (just once) how interesting my course is.'

[My mother always tell me to appreciate and be thankful to those who have helped you along the way.] This is 1 of the rare moments that I actually took heed of her advice...


Kah Fai said...

i wanna see the robot !!!

3POINT8 said...

Awww....too bad...
I've submitted the real thing...
and seems like we won't be able to get it back...
but i do have a video though...

Anonymous said...

post the video then :p

3POINT8 said...

soon soon. after my exam.
I want to edit the video abit, coz a lot of redundant part in it