A comment or two will be greeted with warm hands.

07 January 2009

Statistical New Year Resolution

“Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle.”
---- Eric Zom ----

A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one Year and out the other. Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.

In a way, new year resolutions are for fat people trying to get thin, for blonds trying to be smart. But if you are a believer of fate, we all know it ain't gonna happen. No matter how much you try, you won't achieve it. No matter how many resolution you set, you ain't gonna any of it unless Fate allows it. [So, here is one reason to why you shouldn't believe in fate]

Anyway, this is my blog, and its all about me. Reflecting back on my past year's resolution, I am starting to detect a pattern here:
2001: I will make connections with at least 10 world leaders.
2002: I will socialise with at least 8 local celebrity.
2003: I will befriend 5 popular kid in my area.
2004: I will make small talk to my next door neighbour.
2005: I will say hi to a cashier.
2006: I will make at least one random friend on facebook.
2007: I will talk to a stray cat.
2008: I will try and talk to myself.
2009: I will try and mumble a word.

I admit that I'm not very good at keeping resolutions. In fact, each of my resolution are easier to achieve than the previous year. I've lowered the bar for 8 continuous year and I couldn't even come close to achieving this year's resolution. Then again, do not be quick to judge as I have another 11 more months to go.
I've heard most people contemplate just on their last year's resolution and make a judgment on how well they did based on how many resolutions they achieved. I have yet to see anyone compiling their 10year resolution and talk about it. Think about it, if you compile your 10 year resolution, you might be able to see a pattern. With that pattern, you could roughly tell what are your inner most desire.

Have you ever compiled 10years worth of resolutions? If you see a repeating resolution, it means you know something isn't right.

[Top Comment by AlphaWhale]
Every summer I resolve to make a new years resolution to cut down the tree outside my window so those crappy birds might not wake me up so abruptly every spring to fall morning. Sure I could cut it down in the summer, but it isn't on my property; and everyone knows that it's easiest to cut down a tree inconspicuously in winter when the neighbors are down south. Usually by New Years I forget: and now it's already too late this time around (they've returned). Past that, I've tried to gain weight. That hasn't worked either. Curse metabolic rates.


Anonymous said...

very few can keep all their new year's resolutions.. I for instance can only try to be determine for the first few weeks.. if i get lucky.. maybe the first few months..lol..

X said...

Every summer I resolve to make a new years resolution to cut down the tree outside my window so those crappy birds might not wake me up so abruptly every spring to fall morning. Sure I could cut it down in the summer, but it isn't on my property; and everyone knows that it's easiest to cut down a tree inconspicuously in winter when the neighbors are down south. Usually by New Years I forget: and now it's already too late this time around (they've returned).

Past that, I've tried to gain weight. That hasn't worked either. Curse metabolic rates.

Lisa said...

hmm i never really have a list of resolution for each year..

In fact the list I have for a year could be only one or two..

I just know what I need to achieve for the year...thus its like I will do it and keep it in my heart, reminding myself to try to achieve it.

SOmetimes Ppl asked me so what is your new year resolution, hahaha I wouldn't know :(

Anonymous said...

"I have yet to see anyone compiling their 10year resolution and talk about it. Think about it, if you compile your 10 year resolution, you might be able to see a pattern. With that pattern, you could roughly tell what are your inner most desire."

That's a very interesting point of view u have there. I'm not sure if that would be able to tell u wat ur inner desires are, but definitely u can observe a pattern there

QuirkyLilPrincess said...

well,my new's year resolution is also getting easier.From growing taller to passing exams to losing weight to i just want to go through this year peacefully.10 years compalation?maybe not...too many lar,haha.

G. said...

I gave up on new years resolutions a long time ago lol. But yeah, I don't believe in fate either; we do have the power to change things.

Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

My previous few years resolutions were the same 1..passing this exams.. passing that exams.. lol

Anonymous said...

Heh, I don't make resolutions either - but one thing that always happens is that I remember that John Lennon song: "So this is Christmas, and what have you done?..." (dunno the rest of the words).
It always reminds me reflect on the good and bad things of the past year...

Anonymous said...

My new year resolution is to be 1920x1080 pixels. :)

-popjammerz- said...

10 years!
yours way too cool la friend haha!

3POINT8 said...

That sounds exactly like me.

[Alpha Whale]
Not to worry. I'll remind you about the tree next year. :]

Wow, you sound like a very focused person. I wish i had your resolution to be achieve what i want.

Yes, everything has a pattern, yes? You should understand this concept better than I do since you are the only one among our peer who came up with all those complex maths theorem.

3POINT8 said...

Ahaha... SAme as mine. My new year resolution is getting easier too. Maybe 44 years down the road, my new year resolution is :staying alive"

Hehey, I like your thinking!

[Jian Akiraceo (Miao)]
ahaha.... Something is wrong with your resolution. XD

You know what? I went and youtube the song the moment I saw your comment. Thanks for the great song.

Did your wish come true?

Thanks. You are cool too. I mean, a dancer who is involved in AIDS related events...that is very cool!