A comment or two will be greeted with warm hands.

29 May 2006

Book of God

On 21st of april, someone invited me to the cornerstone caregroup (a chatting session where teen christians just gather together and chat...)
At the end of the meeting, Lissya gave me a bible. Even before she gave it to me, i told her that i'll probably never gonna use it as my religion is not of christianity background. Well, in fact, i have no intention of becoming a christian, at least for now. But she gave it to me anyway...

This is the bible she gave me. Brand new... And somewhere in it, she wrote: "It was meant for you! =)"
(hhmmm, yes.... still wondering...)

Since the receipt of the bible, i've been more aware of common bible verse used around me...
(And i find this behaviour of mine pretty freaky....)

Well, Probably the most common verse i've seen so far is this:
"Corinthian13: 4-8"
(Love is petient, Love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Is it not rude, it is no self-seeking, it is not easily anger, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil. But rejoice with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, and always preserves .......)
Now now now.......The same verse was featured in Lissya's blog, Jacklyn Kang's blog, Ms.Polaris' friendster account and in numerous sites which i've been to....

Aand there is this super popular fighting game by Sammy, Guilty GearX2 which used the verse
"revelation 10" (Then i saw another mighty angel......)
That whole verse was used in the game's opening movie....

My favourite so far has to be this verse: "Philippians, 2:3"
(Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself)
which also means:
"Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put youself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourself long enough to lend a helping hand"
(Written in a forum board of INPM)

Btw, i just happen to bump into these verse....
I do not plan on reading the bible.....at least not for now....
I do not plan on being a christian......at least not for now....
(haha, so the bible given to me wasn't a complete waste after all. After all, i did refer to it, for a short while....)


Anonymous said...

ah.. so shy u put my name there.. take pic of the writings >.< shy..shy..! anyway.. glad that u refer to it. hUAhUAaa.. alot alot of verses from bible give me inspiration. I hope it will do the same thing to u too =).

3POINT8 said...

I have to give credit to the girl who is trying to help a poor soul....

Anyway liz, thanks for the bible...
Hopefully it'll be able to give me the inspiration as it did for you...

Haha, maybe someday u can pinpoint the good verses to me.....

Have a good day then...