On friday (28/4), Been through my "Thermodynamics" mid year exam. This exam makes up 20% of the course grades...
Next week, study week9 of UNSW (30/4 - 6/5)
On monday (1/5), i have "Fluid dynamics" lab work... And this makes up 5% of the course grades.
On tuesday (2/5), i have to go through "Mechanics of Solids" mid term exam. This makes up 15% of the course grades.
ON wednesday (3/5), i have this lab work on "Engineering Experimentation"... And this makes up 5% of the course grades.
On thursday (4/5), I have this lab work going on, "Computing Analysis". ANd this makes up 20% of the whole course.
On friday (5/5), i have to sit for "Fluid Dynamics" mid term exam. This makes up 20% of the course grades.
On the same day, friday (5/5), there is another exam going on. "Linear System" quiz will be on...And this makes up 8% of the course grades.
On the same dreadful day, my "Machine Design" assignment on chain drives and belt drives has to be handed up to the mechanical school. And this makes up 15% of the course grades.
Oh yes.....The grand finale on friday.....What a wonderful day it will be.....
So, within 2 weeks, i would be graded for (4+20+5+15+5+20+20+8+15) 112% mark for my course. And this amount is slightly more than the grades of 1 subject....
Well, luckily my burned-out coursemates complained on the "computing analysis" lab work. And so, we nogotiated with our lecturer and he agreed to postpone the thing to week10...
therefore, 112-20 = 92%......
Even though that was quite a bit of a relieave, But still it doesn't make much difference. I still had to go through 92% worth of course grades within these 2 weeks...... That's like almost the total grade of a single subject.....
Shuing.....Double edge sword!!! Blueak, my brain is gonna fry soon......
Well, if u have been reading till this point, u must be wondering how many subjects i took up this semester, didn't u??
Well Well, let me enlighten u on that......
Jeng jeng jeng.....
I took not 1, not 2, not3, but 8 subjects this semester.....
- Fluid Dynamics
- Thermodynamics
- Mechanics of Solids 3
- Digital Logic
- Machine Design A
- Engineering Experimentation
- Linear system
- Computing Analysis

I'll be like this guy on the left......
No wonder i've been listening to meditation chants more frequent than usual these days....
Hidden in solitude, i'll be battling the struggles of drowsy eyes, stress, deadline, and madness....
Wish me luck folks.......